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Students of department visited the oldest botanical garden of Ukraine

The first and second years students of the department together with the curators Associate Professor K. Sehida and Senior lecturer K. Kravchenko visited the oldest botanical garden of Ukraine – Botanical Garden of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, which is the object of Kharkiv national reserve fund of national significance.

Experienced biologist Tetiana Lisstrova showed the greenhouse complex and talked about the peculiarities of growing the plant of wet tropical forests, wet and dry subtropics, deserts and semi-deserts (trees, shrubs, grasses); these are representatives of Australia and New Zealand, South-East Asia, Africa, the Mediterranean, Central and South America, Japan and China.

We are very grateful to the Director of the Botanical Garden O.O. Alekhin with the assistance of the organization of the event and conducting of educational work for the purpose of formation of the ecological world outlook, enhancement of ecological culture, dissemination of students’ environmental knowledge.