Human-geographical scientific school

A human-geographical scientific school was founded in 2004. Today five D.Sc., ten PhD work at the department. 3 applicants work on doctoral theses in the specialty 11.00.02 “Human Geography”, in PhD school for the same specialty – three full-time PhD students.

The scientific topic of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies lies in the field of scientific-theoretical and applied aspects of human-geographical research aimed at solving urgent problems of society and the environment in response to social demand and challenges of our time; in particular:

  • spatial analysis, modeling and forecasting, monitoring of the socio-economic development of territories of different hierarchical levels (regions, districts, urban and rural settlements, micro-districts and quarters)
  • urban, economic, social, migration, demographic systems and processes and their regional models;
  • tourist and recreational potential of the territories and its use;
  • geodemographic and geomarketing studies of territories of various hierarchical levels;
  • GIS in education, science, practice,
  • development of the conceptual urban-geosystem approach to urban research, in order to reproduce the environment of 1) "Digital City" and 2) "Smart City"; corresponding to the creation of a draft GIS interface and functionality of a software web application for primary and derivative processing of remote sensing data for urbanized areas.

The list of research projects

Scientists of the department publish monographs, articles in professional journals, abstracts conferences in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Belarus, Spain, Estonia, Romania, France, Malaysia, make presentations at scientific conferences in Ukraine (Kiev, Lviv, Dnipro, Chernivtsi, Berehove, Ternopil, Lutsk).

The Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies has PhD schools on the specialty 11.00.02 "Human Geography".

Under supervising D.Sc., prof. L. Niemets two lecturers of the department Husieva N. (Human-geographical features of the contemporary urban processes: theory and practice), Kandyba Y. (Spatial and  temporal features of the agro-industrial complex of Kharkiv region) work at their doctoral theses.

Under supervising D.Sc., prof. S.V. Kostrikov D.S. Serohin (Modeling and analysis of regional segments of the global interstate urban space through the geographic information web portal and implementation of user’s thematic scenarios (case studies of different range cities) (Post-industrial development of Kharkiv in the context of social challenges) studies in the PhD school.

In 2009, Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University opened the Specialized Scientific Council K.64.051.23 for defense PhD theses on the specialty 11.00.02 - "Human Geography"

     Theses defenses. Within scientific research the researchers of the department defended their PhD and doctoral theses under supervising professors of the department during 2007-2021 on the following topics:

  1. Barkova G.A. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Territorial Organization of the Medical System of Kharkiv Region and Ways of Its Improvement", 2007, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  2. Vysochin M.U. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical Features of Migration in a Regional Socio-Geographical System (Illustrated by Kharkiv region)", 2007, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  3. Zavoloka Y.Y. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical Aspects of the Use Employment Potential in Kharkiv Region", 2008, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  4. Kandyba Y.I. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.13 – “Geography history”, on the topic: "Development Human- geographical Thought in Kharkiv Region", 2008, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  5. Kornus O.G. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Territorial Organization of the Service Sector in Sumy Region and ways of improvement ", 2009, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets;
  6. Virchenko P.A.  – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Spatial Organization of the Region’s Education System (Illustrated by Kharkiv Region)", 2010, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets;
  7. Kliuchko L.V. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Socio-border sotsioheosystem geographic features (Illustrated by Kharkiv Region)", 2010, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  8. Kuleshova G.O. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical Features of Border Socio-Geographical Systems (Illustrated by Kharkiv Region)", 2010, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K. A. Niemets;
  9. Skryl I.A. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical Features of Tourism and Recreation Activities in a Regional Socio-Geographical System (Illustrated by Kharkiv Region)", 2011, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.V. Mezentsev;
  10. Karpets K.M. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.11 – “Constructive Geography and Rational Use of Natural Resources”, on the topic: "Pollution and self-cleaning of Kharkiv’s rivers", 2011, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor S.V. Kostrikov;
  11. Sehida K.Y. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical Features of Demographic Development of a Regional Socio-Geographical System (Illustrated by Kharkiv Region)", 2011, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  12. Moshtakova N.V. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Territorial Organization of the Cultural Sphere of a Regional Socio-Geographical System (Illustrated by Luhansk Region)", 2011, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  13. Nosyryev O.O. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Trade and Economic Activities of Ukraine in Terms of European Integration ", 2012, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  14. Dudkina A.O. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical Features of Investment Activity in Lugansk region", 2012, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K. A. Niemets;
  15. Shiyan D.V. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Territorial Features of Population Morbidity in Krivoy Rog as a Center of the Old Industrial Region", 2012, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  16. Samoilov O.M. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Social Security of a Regional Socio-Geographical System (Illustrated by Kharkiv Region)", 2012, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K. A. Niemets;
  17. Berezhnоy V.A.– for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.11 – “Constructive Geography and Rational Use of Natural Resources”, on the topic: "Models of Boundary Geosituations in Fluvial Morphogenesis (Illustrated by Watershed Tributaries of the Seversky Donets River)", 2013, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor S.V. Kostrikov;
  18. Otechko S.A. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Territorial Organization of Road Transport as Part of the Transport System in the Region (Illustrated by Kharkiv Region)", 2013, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets;
  19. Serokurova N.A. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Optimization the Tourist and Recreational Potential of Kharkiv Region in the Context of European Integration ", 2013, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.V. Mezentsev;
  20. Dobrovolska N V. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical Aspects of Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture (Illustrated by Kharkiv region)", 2014, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor S.V. Kostrikov;
  21. Pankrat'eva Victoria – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Territorial Features of Education System in Luhansk Region (Human- Geographical Aspects)", 2014, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  22. Grushka V.V. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical features of formation geoecological situation in an old industrial region (Illustrated by Dnipropetrovsk region)," 2014, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets;
  23. Vasylevska Y. V. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Tourist and Recreational Resources in Kherson Region: human-geographical aspect ", 2014, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L. M. Niemets;
  24. Shukanov P.V. – for the degree of Doctor of Geographical Sciences, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical Features of Formation Global Cultural Space", 2014, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets;
  25. Pohrebskyy T.G. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Territorial Features of the Health Care System in Volyn Region", 2015, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets;
  26. Telebeneva E.Y. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographic Researches of Socio-economic Development of a Region (Illustrated by Kharkiv Region ", 2015, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L.M. Niemets;
  27. Barylo I.M. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Geodemographic development of Poltava region", 2016, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L.M. Niemets;
  28. Kobylin P.O. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Territorial Features of the Population Trading System in Kharkiv Region", 2015, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets;
  29. Sehida K.Y. – for the degree of D.Sc. in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical concept of a geodemographic system of a region", 2016, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor L.M. Niemets;
  30. Mazurova A.V. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical features of the functioning of the city social and geographical system (case study of the city of Kharkiv)", 2015, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets.
  31. Mazurova A.V. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical features of the functioning of the city social and geographical system (case study of the city of Kharkiv)", 2015, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets.
  32. Kravchenko K.O. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Human-geographical features of the formation and development of the settlement system of Kharkiv region", 2015, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets.
  33. Chuiev O.S. – for the degree of PhD in Geography, specialty 11.00.02 – “Human Geography”, on the topic: "Spatial GIS-analysis of the infrastructure component of the urbogeosystem (case study of the city of Kharkiv)", 2015, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor S.V. Kostrikov.
  34. Suptelo O.S. – for the degree of PhD in Earth Sciences, specialty 103 – “Earth Sciences”, on the topic: "Post-industrial transformations of the city of Kharkiv: human-geographical aspects", 2021, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Associate Professor K.Y. Sehida.
  35. Lohvynova M.O. – for the degree of PhD in Earth Sciences, specialty 103 – “Earth Sciences”, on the topic: "Human-geographical features of forced migration in the border regions of Eastern Ukraine", 2021, supervisor – D.Sc. in Geography, Professor K.A. Niemets.