Human-Geographical Features of The Population Vital Activity in Kharkiv Region: Technological Safety as a Component of Sustainable Regional Development Provision

«Human-Geographical Features of The Population Vital Activity in Kharkiv Region: Technological Safety as a Component of Sustainable Regional Development Provision» SR № 0111U006837, duration: 2011, supervisor – Assoc. Prof.  Yurii Kandyba.

Internally university funded research project

Within this project based on theoretical and methodical justification the complex human-geographical research of the population vital activity of Kharkiv region’s districts was conducted, in particular the study of population technological safety features. As a result of the research project the mapping model of territorial differentiation of anthropogenic impact in Kharkiv region was developed, its mechanisms formation were defined, recommendation measures on improvement technological safety and reduction public pressure of separate districts of Kharkiv region for regional sustainable development provision.  The practical value has proposed measures on reduction technological pressure of the region’s districts considering defined features with the purposes of provision of regional balanced development and its demographic component in particular. Research project results were used by executing 1 bachelor qualification paper and 2 master and specialist papers.