The Study Based on Geoinformational Modeling of Fractal Features of the Fluvial Relief with the Purposes of Prediction of Adverse Exogenic Processes

«The Study Based on Geoinformational Modeling of Fractal Features of the Fluvial Relief with the Purposes of Prediction of Adverse Exogenic Processes» SR № 0110U000584, duration: 2010-2011, supervisor – Prof. Serhii Kostrikov.

Research project of state budget funding

The aim of the research project is to study and analyze the role of relief fractal features of ravine and river basins as indicative characteristics on initialization and the future development of adverse exogenic processes, in particular – water erosion. As a result of the project the methods of practical implementation of fluvial relief fractal modeling for the purposes of effective relief formation prediction were developed. The developed modelling methods of fractal characteristics and other results of this research might be used in optimization measures of environmental protection activity concerning lands and Ukraine’s water resources, as well as for soil and vegetation protection from human pressure.