Business contract executed reserch projects

In 2012-2013 the Department carried out the research project on "Regional features of social infrastructure in rural areas of Donetsk region and ways of its optimization" at the request of Yasinuvatska mobile mechanized column; period: 12.01.2012 - 31.12.2013, amount of funding - 30 thousands UAH, Head - prof. L.M. Niemets. The aim of this research project is to study features of modern social infrastructure in rural areas of Donetsk region, to identify its territorial differentiation and optimized model construction of modern rural development for the needs of the region. The study provides implementation system-structural analysis of life of the rural population in Donetsk region; identifying features, patterns and challenges of demographic and socio-economic development of rural areas; assessment and territorial differentiation of social infrastructure in rural areas of Donetsk region; development optimization models of social infrastructure in rural areas of Donetsk region; development recommendations for regional policy in terms of social infrastructure. As a result of the research project it is planned to develop the economic directions of improvement rural housing using duration of necessary financial resources accumulation, taking into account existing mechanisms in countries with developed market relations and the necessity of subsidies from the state budget for the development of housing in rural areas was justified; using the methods of economic-mathematical modeling to develop economic and mathematical model of optimal spatial location of school network objects in rural settlements, the optimal criteria serves the minimum total expenditure on the school education organization and the limiting parameter in the model is time that a pupil spends to get from home to school, taking into account age and other factors; to identify and to justify new economic activities of social infrastructure in terms of recreation zone with status of family business, their operation will contribute to the construction of villages; priorities for further development of social infrastructure were determined; to develop a new model of rural development of Donetsk region; to predict the necessary scope of work to improve social infrastructure. In addition, the results of research project can be used as preparation for doctoral and master's theses, monographs, articles, textbooks and manuals.

In 2013-2014 the research project was carried out on "Theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching " Fundamentals of geo-economics and challenges of globalization" at the request of Poltava University of Economics and Trade; duration: 03.01.2013 - 02.02.2014, amount of funding - 10 thousand UAH, Head - prof. K.A. Niemets. The purpose of the research is to create a textbook on the subject "Fundamentals of geo-economics and challenges of globalization". The objectives of research are: scientific and methodological justification of expediency for teaching the course "Fundamentals of geo-economics and challenges of globalization" to students of universities of Ukraine; development author programs relevant the discipline; implementation the results of geo-economic research in professional training and research economists and economic geographers. As a result of the research project it is planned preparation of the manuscript (electronic version) textbook on the subject "Fundamentals of geo-economics and challenges of globalization" totaling 10 printed pages; preparation a doctoral thesis; scientific publications in professional journals and collections of scientific works; presentations at international scientific conferences.

In 2014-2015 the department carried out the project "Comprehensive socio-economic characteristics of Khorol district of Poltava region" (state registration number 0114U005618, duration: 10.01.2014 - 30.09.2015, Head - prof. L.M. Niemets). Economic and geographical position, the factors of socio-economic development, natural resources potential, especially the economy, the demographic situation Khorolsky district were characterized. The basic problems of district's economic development were identified, among which the main ones are: ineffective intersectoral collaboration, obsolete fixed assets, financial situation of many companies, reducing skills, significant deterioration in soil fertility. The prospects of socio-demographic component Khorolsky district were determined, it was emphasized on improving these measures, including support young families, timely financial social assistance to appropriate populations, housing provision, job creation and attracting skilled labor personnel from neighboring districts.

In 2016-2017 the department was working at the business contract project "Territorial Planning of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region based on demographic potential: theoretical and methodical elaboration" (state registration number 0116U000964, duration – 07.07.2016-30.06.2017, funding – thousand UAH, head – PhD in Geography Sehida K.Y.). The purpose of the project is elaboration theoretical and methodological justification for territorial planning of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region in view of the demographic potential characteristics. Expected results of the project: analysis of human- geographical position of Kharkiv region and the city of Kharkiv, identifying strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities; determination quantitative and qualitative parameters characterizing demographic potential of Kharkiv region and the city of Kharkiv; calculation demographic potential at the lower administrative level; identifying causes and consequences of territorial differentiation; comprehensive characteristc of spatial planning of the city of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region, determination disparities and inconsistencies of demographic potential; development trends of improvement regions and cities geoglanning, execution SWOT-analysis, identifying strengths and weaknesses, development problems and prospects of the region and city on the lower hierarchical level; scientific justification of measures on regional socio-economic policy.

In 2017 the department executed the business contract project "Human-geographical justification for the formation united territorial communities in Pervomaysky district of Kharkiv region" (duration: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017, the amount of financing – 20 thousand UAH, Head - Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor L.M. Niemets). The purpose of the work is to identify the natural-geographical, demographic, socio-economic features of Pervomaysky district of Kharkiv region and scientific substantiation of the formation united territorial communities in the current conditions of decentralization in Ukraine. Expected results from the project: analysis of the peculiarities of the socio-geographical position of Pervomaysky district; description of the demographic and labor-resource potential of Pervomaysky district in the context of the formation united territorial communities; demographic forecast of the district; identification features of the social infrastructure of the district; spatial-temporal analysis of the economic development of the district for establish laws of territorial development; identification of strengths and weaknesses of the socio-economic development of the district; substantiation the models of allocation territorial communities in Pervomaysky district; human-geographical characteristics of the proposed for the allocation territorial communities.