
Plan of work of the department for 2022-2023 academic year 

Plan of work of the department for 2021-2022 academic year 

Plan of work of the department for 2020-2021 academic year 

Plan of work of the department for 2019-2020 academic year 

Report of the Head of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies Prof. Liudmyla Niemets about the work of the department for 2022-2023 academic year

Report of the Head of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies Prof. Liudmyla Niemets about the work of the department for 2021-2022 academic year

Appendix to the report of the head of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies Prof. Liudmyla Niemets

Report of the Head of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies Prof. Liudmyla Niemets about the work of the department in 2020-2021 academic year

Appendix to the report of the head of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies Prof. Liudmyla Niemets

Звіт завідувача кафедри за 2019-2020 навчальний рік

План роботи Навчальної лабораторії соціально-економічних і інформаційних технологій на 2020-2021 н.р.

План роботи Навчальної лабораторії соціально-економічних і інформаційних технологій на 2019-2020 н.р. 

Report of Head of the Teaching Laboratory for Socio-Economic and Information Technologies on 2022-2023 academic year and tasks for the next academic year

Звіт завідувача Навчальної лабораторії соціально-економічних і інформаційних технологій кафедри соціально-економічної географії і регіонознавства Кобиліна П.О. за 2021-2022 н.р.

Звіт завідувача Навчальної лабораторії соціально-економічних і інформаційних технологій кафедри соціально-економічної географії і регіонознавства Кобиліна П.О. за 2019-2020 н.р.

Head of the Department’s report for the 2018-2019 academic year (presentation)
Regulation on the department

Shedule of the teaching support staff

Ranking of the lecturers of the department
Regulation on the Teaching Laboratory Of Socio-Economic And Information Technologies
Regulations on work planning, reporting and evaluation teaching staff of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Rules of appointment and payment of scholarships in V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Витяг з протоколу № 10 кафедри соціально-економічної географії і регіонознавства факультету геології, географії, рекреації і туризму Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна від 14 листопада 2020 р.

Стратегічні напрями розвитку кафедри соціально-економічної географії і регіонознавства на 2019 – 2025 роки (протокол засідання кафедри №3 від 14.11.2019 р.)


Scientific research work

The scientific theme of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies lies in the field of scientific-theoretical and applied aspects of human-geographical research aimed at solving current problems of society and the environment in response to social demand and modern challenges; in particular:

  • spatial analysis, modeling and forecasting, monitoring of the socio-economic development of territories of different hierarchical levels (regions, districts, urban and rural settlements, micro-districts and quarters)
  • urban, economic, social, migration, demographic systems and processes and their regional models;
  • tourist and recreational potential of the territories and its use;
  • geodemographic and geomarketing studies of territories of various hierarchical levels;
  • GIS in education, science, practice,
  • development of the conceptual urban-geosystem approach to urban research, in order to reproduce the environment of 1) "Digital City" and 2) "Smart City"; corresponding to the creation of a draft GIS interface and functionality of a software web application for primary and derivative processing of remote sensing data for urbanized areas.

The list of research projects

Staffing and financial support

1. Increase the professional level of the staff of the Department will facilitate the preparation and defense of theses in the following areas of research:

Denis Serohin "Modeling and analysis of regional segments of the global interstate urban space through the geographic information web portal and implementation of user’s thematic scenarios (case studies of different range cities)" (Scientific supervisor – D.Sc in Geography, prof. Sergiy Kostrikov)

Serhii Chekhov "Territorial features of the post-war development of the urban environment (case study of the city of Kharkiv)" (Scientific supervisor – D.Sc in Geography, Professor, Kateryna Sehida)

Daria Venhryn "Human-geographical research of urbanization processes in Ukraine" (Scientific supervisor – D.Sc in Geography, Professor Liudmyla Niemets)

Kostiantyn Maliarenko "Human-geographical features of the economic potential of Ukraine" (Scientific supervisor – D.Sc in Geography, Professor, Kateryna Sehida)

Oleksandr Lymar "Integral potential of the territory as the basis of regional development (case study of Kharkiv region") (Scientific supervisor – D.Sc in Geography, Professor Liudmyla Niemets)

Viktor Rodionov "Human-geographical features of the formation of human potential of Ukraine" (Scientific supervisor – D.Sc in Geography, Professor Liudmyla Niemets)


2. Preparation and defense of doctoral theses:

Guseva N.V. "Human-geographical features of the contemporary urban processes: theory and practice" (Scientific consultant – DSc in Geography, prof. L.M. Niemets)

Kandyba Y.I. “Spatial and  temporal features of the agro-industrial complex of Kharkiv region” (Scientific consultant – DSc in Geography, prof. L.M. Niemets)

Kornus O.G. "Human-geographical monitoring of the population's health (theory and practice)" (Scientific consultant – DSc in Geography, prof. K.A. Niemets)