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Assistant Professor of the Department received a grant from the President of Ukraine

Associate Professor Kateryna Sehida received the Grant of the President of Ukraine to support the research of young scientists for 2018 (in accordance with the Decree of the Head of the State No. 105/2018-rp "On the Appointment of the President of Ukraine’s Grants to support the Research of Young Scientists by 2018" http: // kharkivoda / news / 93912) in the amount of 75 thousand UAH for the study "Formation of human potential of Ukraine through the leveling of demographic problems".

Such grants were received by seven young scientists from the Kharkiv region, which was congratulated by the governor of the region Yuliya Svitlychna on July 19, 2018 (Video of the meeting of Julia Svitlychna with Kharkiv citizens who received the grants of the President of Ukraine in support of their research 2orA-rWKZQg, Meeting Information

Among the winners there are three representatives of the University: D.Sc. in Physics and Math Professor Valeriya Trusova for the study "Development of new antihylaid strategies based on large-scale screening of inhibitors of pathological protein aggregation" and a PhD in Phycology Senior Lecturer Daniel Claudia Puerts Savina for the study "Strategies for Professional Women’s Self-Realization".

Congratulations to our colleagues and wish you further creative success!