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A workshop was held on the preliminary review of the results of Denis Serohin’s (PhD student of the department) PhD thesis research

On December 14, 2023, the workshop on the preliminary review and discussion of the results of Denis Serohin’s (Ph.D. student of the department) Ph.D. thesis research on the topic "Geo-informational modeling and analysis of regional segments of the global interstate urbanized space (case studies of different cities)" were held at the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies named after Kostiantyn Niemets. The Ph.D. thesis is devoted to the implementation of urbogeosystemic analysis of the urban environment through its three-dimensional modeling based on lidar survey data. The main theoretical and methodological provisions of this study were outlined, as well as applied aspects of the implementation of urbogeosystemic analysis on the example of different cities.

Lecturers, PhD students of the department, and the management of the faculty attended the workshop. PhD research aroused interest among those present and a lively discussion. Based on the results of the discussion, it was decided to recommend Denis Serohin’s Ph.D. thesis for the preliminary defense.