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Faculty scientific and methodical seminar on the topic “GIS in natural studies” took place on April 15, 2019

The faculty scientific and methodical seminar on the topic "GIS in natural studies" took place on April 15, 2019.
The speakers at the workshop were prof. D.Sc. in Geography Serhii Kostrikov, PhD in Geography Olena Sinna, PhD in Geology Iryna Samchuk, disclosing certain questions of the implementing GIS experience in the scientific and educational work of the departments of the faculty.
General information on the modern challenges of GIS implementation at the faculty, in particular in the form of SWOT-analysis, was prepared by Olena Sinna, with the participation of prof. D.Sc. in Geography Liudmyla Niemets and prof. D.Sc. Vilina Peresadko. prof. D.Sc. in Geography Kostyantyn Niemets, Associate Professor PhD in Geography Yulia Prasul and other lecturers also actively participated in the discussion.
The graduate of the faculty, analyst of IP "Intetics" Oleh Seliverstov was invited to participate in the seminar, who expressed hope for the further development of the traditions of cooperation between the faculty and employers in the GIS-industry.
The general moderation of the seminar was carried out by prof., prof. D.Sc. in Geography Liudmyla Niemets.
It was proposed to continue discussion of the raised problems and issues at the departments, considering the most promising opportunities for the introduction of GIS and develop effective approaches to their implementation to level the weaknesses and threats of the faculty development.
We thank all lecturers, staff, graduate students and students who took part in the workshop.