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Students of the department are studying at the University of Oradea (Romania) under the Erasmus + program

During the spring semester of 2017-2018 academic year four master students of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies Ovcharenko Hlib, Niemets Olga, Shchukina Julia, Chekhov Serhii will study at the Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sport of the University of Oradea (Romania) in the specialty "Tourism Management and Planning" under the Erasmus+ program. Erasmus+ is a non-profit program of the European Union for the Exchange of Students and Teachers, which provides opportunity to study in another country participating in this program.

uring 4 months of training students will study the following courses:

  • Strategic tourism management and the hospitality industry;
  • Protection and valorification of the local and
  • traditional tourist products;
  • Restoration & hotel business administration and
  • economy;
  • Strategies and models for tourist planning in the mountains;
  • Tourism business financing;
  • Romanian language.

Lectures and practical classes are conducted in English, there is a library with a large number of old books on the University's territory. After completing the academic mobility program, students receive an academic certificate for the Erasmus+ international exchange program.

Erasmus students from Turkey, Moldova, Mexico, Nigeria, USA, France, Italy and other countries study at the Faculty of Geography, Tourism and Sports, and there is also a significant number of Student Buddies with experience in international exchange and the work on a voluntary basis for better integration between local and international students.

In addition, the Erasmus + program provides a unique opportunity to get to know very open and friendly Romanian people, learn more about the mentality and culture of this country, visit cultural and art monuments and see the unique nature of Romania.