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Сompetition-defense of students’scientific papers was held

On December 21, 2017, the final stage of the XI University Сompetition-defense of students’scientific papers in the section "Geography" was held at the Faculty of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism.

This year 6 students from our department took part in this competition. The best participants were revealed according to results of the faculty competition of student scientific papers in the section "Geography". Two students of our department took the prize-winning places, in particular:

I place – Vengrin Daria (GC-42; scientific supervisor – PhD in Geography, Segida K.Yu.);

III place – Patalashka Alexandra (GC-52; scientific leader – PhD in Geography, Segida K.Yu.).

Congratulations to the students-winners of the university competition-defense of student's scientific papers in the section "Geography".

Vengrin Daria will represent our university at the All-Ukrainian Student Contest, which will take place in the city of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky.

We express our gratitude to Victoria Perepelica, Sergey Chekhov, Alexander Teslenko, Anastasia Kuznetsova for participating in the competition-defense of student's scientific papers and their scientific supervisors – Associate Professor Segida K.Yu., Associate Professor Guseva N.V., Associate Professor Virchenko P.A. and associate professor Telebeneva E.Yu. for preparing students for the competition.