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The meeting of the students of the department with the conqueror of Everest was held

On October 25, 2017, students of the Department of Socio-Economic Geography and Regional Studies during the "Career Week" during the general faculty curatorial meeting met with one of 19 Ukrainians who overcame the highest peak of the world in Everybody's History - Everest (8848 m - Valentine Sipavin who told the audience about the peculiarities of climbing and his own ascent to Everest. He illustrated his story with lots of interesting photos and video stories.
For reference: Valentin Sipavin - climber, ice breaker, tourist and mountain guide, vice-champion of the world and bronze medalist at the European Ice-Ice Championship. Climbed Everest in the spring of 2017 and conquered more than 250 mountain peaks on different continents.