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Practical lesson in the discipline “Excursion studies”

On October 26, 2022, a master class of the leading tour guide, head of the local studies department of the communal institution “Kharkiv Regional Station of Young Tourists”, Iryna SKRYL, was held for the third year students of the EPP "Geography of Recreation and Tourism" as part of the study of the educational discipline "Excursion Studies".

As part of a practical lesson in the form of a business game "Designing a route and methodical development of the excursion", students Daria Darienko, Sofia Ivanenko, Rauf Nasibov, Yuliya Podgorna, Valentyn Shapovalenko, Olga Shcherban presented their own extremely interesting developments and acted as expert analysts of each other's developments .

Iryna shared life hacks from her own experience of organizing and conducting excursions, discussed the most frequent mistakes of tour guides, the best ways to combine showing and telling in an excursion, ways to improve professional skills, prospects for the development of tourism in Ukraine and Kharkiv region in the post-war period, etc.

We sincerely thank Iryna for a meaningful and interesting meeting! We are confident that the involvement of practicing specialists motivates new achievements and will be useful to our students when choosing a future profession by specialty, developing new tourist routes and developing tourism in Ukraine.