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One year ago, on October 21, an outstanding human geographer and geologist, Honored Professor of Karazib University Kostiantyn NIEMETS passed away

One year ago, on October 21, 2021, an outstanding Ukrainian scientist-human geographer and hydrogeologist, professor of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies, professor of the Department of Hydrogeology, dean who headed the Department of Geology and Geography for many years, Distinguished Education of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor of Uzhhorod National University, Honored Professor of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Kostiantyn NIEMETS passed away.

Kostiantyn was born on January 16, 1948 in the village of Horodnytsia, Zhytomyr region. In 1965, he entered the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Kharkiv State University named after O. M. Gorky; in 1970, he received a diploma of geological engineer, hydrogeologist with honors, and continued his studies in the PhD school and started working at the department. In 1979, he successfully defended his thesis on obtaining the scientific degree of PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences; in 2006 he defende his doctoral thesis in human geography. Many years of Kostiantyn's professional activity were connected with the Karazin University: he was heading the Faculty of Geology and Geography for 18 years, worked fruitfully at the departments of Hydrogeology, Human Geography and Regional Studies.

Kostiantyn was not only a specialist in the field of hydrogeological science, but also one of the founders of the Kharkiv School of Human Geography and one of the leading researchers of Ukraine. He is a scientist who combined quite different directions: geology, its hydrogeological branch, and human geography. He was one of the first in hydrogeological science to deal with modeling methods, and in human geography he made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of information geography, initiated a number of new methods and techniques based on a synergistic approach, in particular. His scientific heritage is the development of the theory of human geography, the latest methods of multidimensional analysis, leading human-geographical methods and scientific concepts. Eleven candidate's theses and one doctoral theses were defended under his scientific guidance. He nurtured a constellation of young scientists who work in Ukraine and abroad in various fields of science, politics, and industry.

Kostiantyn’s scientific publications receive a lot of attention from scientists and public figures. His arsenal includes more than 200 scientific publications with a high citation index. He was an outstanding specialist in Ukraine in the field of human-geographical methodology, one of the leaders of the Kharkiv School of Human Geography, the editor-in-chief of the specialized scientific publication "Visnyk of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series "Geology - Geography - Ecology", which is indexed in the Web of Science, a member of specialized scientific councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses, a member of a number of commissions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Professor Kostiantyn NIEMETS enjoyed undeniable authority and respect; he had a firm position in life, he relied on the values of the Karazin University in his work and academic activities, he was a kind and decent person, extremely demanding of himself and those around him. Kostiantyn was the standard of a true scientist of our time, who harmoniously combined a deep understanding of the laws of the development of the Universe and the latest views on a scientific problem, he was a wise mentor for young scientists and students.

His colleagues remembers Kostiantyn as a friendly and benevolent person, a wise mentor who willingly shared his own rich life and professional experience.

The team of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies deeply mourns and expresses sincere condolences to the Kostiantyn’s family and friends and shares the bitterness of the loss.
The bright memory of Konstiantyn NIEMTS will forever remain in our hearts!