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Karazin University resumes distance learning from March 28, 2022

In accordance with the rector's order, the university will resume its activities from tomorrow. In particular, classes will be started in asynchronous online mode using distance education platforms and taking into account the needs and capabilities of all participants of the educational process.

The process of interaction with students (graduate students) will be organized in the most loyal format: • learners have the right to receive non-formal education anywhere, its results will be taken into account;

  • have the opportunity to take advantage of internal and external academic mobility;
  • have the right to draw up an individual curriculum;
  • on academic leave.

All these actions are maximally debureaucratized and require only statements (including in electronic or oral form). A big request to students: keep in touch with curators, dean's staff and student government. If you have any questions, please contact the following persons.