International cooperation

One of the important integration processes in the field of education is academic mobility, which enables students, PhD students and faculty to study for a certain period of time in various higher education institutions.

The process of academic mobility is very important, as it fosters to improving the quality of education, intercultural development and perfect training of future qualified professionals.

The main documents regulating implementation the right to academic mobility is the Regulation on the procedure for implementation the right to academic mobility, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 12 August 2015, № 579. The Regulation of our university on procedure for implementation the right to academic mobility by the participants of educational process were approved based on the indicated Regulation.

According to the above Regulations, up to the place of implementation the right to academic mobility, it is divided into:

  • internal – the right is implemented for domestic participants of the educational process in a higher educational institutions within Ukraine;
  • international – the right is implemented for domestic participants of the educational process in a higher educational institutions outside Ukraine.

According to the Resolution, academic mobility is divided into 2 types:

- Gradual mobility, which involves obtaining a certain level of higher education;

- credit mobility, which involves obtaining competence or credits of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System.

The forms of academic mobility for participants of the educational process, obtaining Junior bachelor's,  bachelor’s, master's degree in national universities are:

  • training in academic mobility programs;
  • language internship;
  • scientific internship.

In addition, the training department of our University, as another form of students academic mobility, highlights academic mobility on its own initiative. This is when students find internship programs independently, submit relevant documents and take part in these events.

The department cooperates with many Ukrainian and foreign universities, organizations and institutions. It has agreements on cooperation with the University of Girona (Spain) / reference to the agreement / University of Oradea (Romania) / reference to the agreement / Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University (Belarus); Kursk State University (RF); Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and others.

Students, PhD students and staff of the department take part actively in national and international scientific, educational, scientific and educational programs and projects.

Information about scholarships for international study and scientific scholarships can be found at the following link:

Presentation "Academuc mobility of students and faculty of the Department of Human Geography and Regional Studies per 2016/2017 academic year