«Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Teaching "Fundamentals of Geo-Economics and Challenges of Globalization», SR № 0113U004935, duration – 2013-2014, supervisor – prof. Kostyantyn Niemets.
Research project of business contract funding
The purpose of the research is to create a textbook on the subject "Fundamentals of geo-economics and challenges of globalization". The objectives of research are: scientific and methodological justification of expediency for teaching the course "Fundamentals of geo-economics and challenges of globalization" to students of universities of Ukraine; development author programs relevant the discipline; implementation the results of geo-economic research in professional training and research economists and economic geographers. As a result of the research project it is planned preparation of the manuscript (electronic version) textbook on the subject "Fundamentals of geo-economics and challenges of globalization" totaling 10 printed pages; preparation a doctoral thesis; scientific publications in professional journals and collections of scientific works; presentations at international scientific conferences.