The department started to execute the research project on "Socio-geographical features of social security in the region as a factor in its sustainable development in terms of environmental management" in 2011, state registration number 0111U008533, duration: 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2014, head - prof. L.M. Niemets). The project is expected to develop theoretical and practical foundations of human-geographical study of social security as a factor of sustainable social and economic development of the region in terms of environmental management (illustrated by Kharkiv region). As a result of this study it will be determined the level of depressed rural administrative districts, strategy of social security of Kharkiv region, the model and mechanisms to improve the socio-economic situation and improve the quality of life of its population by enhancing innovation and investment, creating conditions for its optimization. One of the main factors for ensuring social security considers the quality of the environment, sustainable use of natural resources. The object ofе the research is social security in a social and geographical system of the regional level (illustated by Kharkiv region). Subject of research - human-geographical features of the social security of the region as a factor of sustainable development in terms of environmental management. The purpose of the project is the socio-geographical justification of social security in the region as a factor of its sustainable development, identification depressed areas and determination optimal routes of regional socio-economic development in terms of environmental management. The significance of the project for solving economic and social problems is that its implementation will equalize the imbalance of social and economic development in Kharkiv region, suggest specific ways to transition to a sustainable development model, define and justify its optimal strategy for maintaining natural resources potential territory. It is expected that the scientific and technological products, obtained as a result of the project will meet international standards through the use of modern approaches and methods of social geographic research.
The Department began the implementation of research on "Methods development for geoinformational modelling of maximum channel expenses during spring floods and summer rain floods in the catchment" in 2012, duration: 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2013, head - prof. S.V. Kostrikov). Based on - research and analysis of the role of the main factors of the channel costs from thawed snow during spring floods and summer of channel costs from storm floods in the ravine ravines and river catchment areas; development of methods for the practical implementation of distributed hydrological models of channel costs from thawed snow and rain floods by creating the module project GIS platform. The object of study - the processes and phenomena of liquid and solid flow in the channels of permanent and temporary streams that take place within the watershed; object of study - the patterns of formation (based on the number of natural and geographical factors), passing in the space distribution in time and affect other processes in catchments channel peak cost of permanent and temporary streams; object of development - distributed conceptual model of channel cost liquid from spring floods and summer rain floods and design functionality and corresponding interface (hydrological) module GIS platform. The subject of the implementation of the research should be established newest GIS technology modeling features of the hydrological regime of watersheds, in particular - the cost of extreme liquid channel during spring floods and summer rain floods; on what basis will be able to effectively forecast adverse exogenous processes watersheds caused by extreme meteorological phenomena. The said GIS technology that will be developed on the basis of a geo-modeling techniques, should be submitted as the project developed a broad and multi-functionality interface appropriate software. Results of research can be used to prepare theses, monographs, textbooks and manuals, as well as directly in the educational process - for training geographers.
In 2010-2011 academic year the staff of the department finished research project execution on “Socio-geographical basics of sustainable regional development”, № of state registration 0108U006694, duration – 01.01.2008-31.12.2010, without funding. This socio-geographical study was aimed at searching ways of optimal development of regional socio-geographical process in modern market conditions under influence of globalization processes and Ukraine’s internal features. The main aim of the project was theoretical justification of socio-geographical features of region’s social development and determination ways of optimal development of regional socio-geographical system. The conducted research ended by identification features, factors, measures for elaboration a model of sustainable development: the management scheme of socio-geographical process at the regional level has proposed based on conceptual informational model. Executing the research project, 13 PhD theses were prepared, 3 monographs were published, 2 textbooks, and a great number of publications on the research topic according to the appropriate areas. Usage research results allowed contributing to solving such problems like optimization of the territorial organization of social sphere on the whole and separate its branches (healthcare, culture, housing, residence services, catering, recreational economy) that’s very important at the stage of the region transition on sustainable development.
At this period the research project “Human-geographical features of cross-border cooperation of border districts of Kharkiv region in the conditions of sustainable development of the Euroregion “Sloboda”, № of the state registaration 0110U000637, duration – 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2010, funding – 6 thousand UAH. The purpose of the research project is scientific and theoretical justification of sustainable development mechanisms of the Euroregion “Sloboda” on the medium term prospect based on complex analysis of human-geographical features of cross-border cooperation of border districts of Kharkiv region through cross-border cooperation activation on the basis of state-private partnership. The practical value has the proposed measures on optimization of the Euroregion “Sloboda” functioning on the medium term in conditions of overcoming economic crisis and the future sustainable development. With the purpose of dissemination research results the set of research articles were published, 2 PhD theses were defended and 6 Master theses were prepared.
In 2011-2012 academic year the research project “The study based on geoinformational modeling of fractal features of the fluvial relief with the purposes of adverse exogenic processes prediction” was being ended (№ of the state registaration 0110U000584, duration – 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2011, Head – prof. Kostrikov S.V.). The aim of the research project is to study and analyze the role of relief fractal features of ravine and river basins as indicative characteristics on initialization and the future development of adverse exogenic processes, in particular – water erosion. As a result of the project the methods of practical implementation of fluvial relief fractal modeling for the purposes of effective relief formation prediction were developed. The developed modelling methods of fractal characteristics and other results of this research might be used in optimization measures of environmental protection activity concerning lands and Ukraine’s water resources, as well as for soil and vegetation protection from human pressure.
At this period the research project was being executed «Human-geographical features of the population vital activity in Kharkiv region: technological safety as a component of sustainable regional development provision”. (№ of the state registaration 0111U006837, duration – 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2011, Head – associate professor Kandyba Y.I.). Within this project based on theoretical and methodical justification the complex human-geographical research of the population vital activity of Kharkiv region’s districts was conducted, in particular the study of population technological safety features. As a result of the research project the mapping model of territorial differentiation of anthropogenic impact in Kharkiv region was developed, its mechanisms formation were defined, recommendation measures on improvement technological safety and reduction public pressure of separate districts of Kharkiv region for regional sustainable development provision. The practical value has proposed measures on reduction technological pressure of the region’s districts considering defined features with the purposes of provision of regional balanced development and its demographic component in particular. Research project results were used by executing 1 bachelor qualification paper and 2 master and specialist papers.
In 2015 the department won the competitive selection of research projects funding from thestate budget on the topic: “Territorial features of formation regional competitiveness” duration – 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2016, Head – D.Sc., prof. Niemets .L.N. Within the projectelaboration of theoretical and practical basics of the complex research on regional competitiveness as a factor of sustainable regional socio-economic development. The research object is competitiveness of the social and geographical system at the regional level (illustrated by one of the Ukraine’s region). The research subject is human-geographical features of regional competitiveness formation The aim of the project is complex justification of regional competitiveness of the social and geographical system at the level of its administrative units. The research conducted on the example of regional social and geographical system. Issues of complex assessment of natural resource potential and human capital, problems of enhancing industry and agriculture competitiveness of the region are solved, provision effective optimal functioning of industrial and social infrastructure. The complex research of the regional socio-geographical system is aimed at justification opportunities of territory for optimal using own recourses and attraction investments at the level of administrative units. The measures on innovation development of the region as a social and geographical system and the main factor of enhancing its competitiveness and enhancing socio-economic state, infrastructure development will be proposed. The practical value will have the proposed measures on improvement competitiveness of administrative districts of the regional socio-geographical system with the purpose of more effective attraction foreign investments in the economy of the region.
In 2015 the department started work on the research project «Human-geographical features of regional sustainable development (illustrated by Kharkiv region)” (without funding, duration: 01.01.2015 -31.12.2017, head – D.Sc., prof. L.M. Niemets). The purpose of the project is human-geographical justification of socio-economic development of the region and identification ways of optimal development of the regional socio-geographical system. During research project it’s supposed to justify and determine complex indicators of regional socio-economic development; to work out the development model of the socio-geographical process of the regional socio-geographical system; to conduct human potential estimation of the region’s administrative units; to identify spatial and temporal development features of the leading industry, agricultural and social sphere branches; to determine economic, infrastructural and innovation potential of the region on the whole and its administrative units; to identify trends of regional sustainable development; to work out recommendations on enhancing competitiveness of region’s administrative units. Practical value has recommendations to local government authorities and on optimization and territorial balance of the regional socio-economic development.
In 2015 the Department took active part in the development strategy of the Kharkiv region by 2020, in the research sections: economic and geographical position, demographic characteristics, social infrastructure, tourism infrastructure and agriculture.
In 2016 the Department began execution the state budgetary research project "Methods development for spatial analysis and forecast of demographic process settlement system of a region and with the purpose optimization (illustrated by Kharkiv region)" (duration - 01.09.2016-30.07.2018, funding – 275 thousand UAH, the head – PhD, Segida KY). The purpose of the project is methods development for spatial analysis and forecast of demographic process settlement system of a region, creation the model of demographic process management and optimization the region's settlement system, embodiment of the research on the proposed methodology based on the materials of Kharkiv region, development scientifically justified measures of regional demographic and ecistic policy. Expected results: elaboration new and improvement of existing spatial analysis methods of demographic processes and population settlement system, the justification mathematical methods of the forecast number, composition and population resettlement; development the technique of construction model of demographic processes management and optimization region’s system resettlement; justification creation GIS models of basic demographic processes, including migration and interactive maps of population distribution; development substantive content of informational database, determination quantitative and qualitative parameters characterizing population; testing the proposed methodology and research methods of the demographic process and settlement system based on Kharkiv region materials; studies of the demographic processes features, including migratory, taking into account transformation the region's settlement system at the micro-local, local and regional levels with definition temporal trends and territorial characteristics, determination structural characteristics and their formation factors; development demographic passports and population forecasts of Kharkiv region on the whole and separate administrative units (cities, districts, urban areas), noting features of the settlement system and labor market with identification strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities for the further development; compilation handbooks of demographic potential of region’s cities and towns, including urban areas, noting their historically key characteristics, modern, lost and future functions of cities (including formation polycentric model of spatial development of the region); elaboration interactive atlas and informational handbook "The region's population and its demographic potential" for managers, entrepreneurs, potential investors, educators, etc.; elaboration the program and questionnaire for the sociological study of internally displaced people, including their social, demographic and economic characteristics, identification opportunities for resettlement and providing job positions in response to the labor market of certain administrative-territorial units based on the formation polycentric settlement system, to develop an appropriate informational catalog; development handbooks and teaching materials on the use of proposed methodological approaches for demographic processes management and optimization region's settlement system for managers, potential investors, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders; development scientifically justified measures of regional demographic and ecistic policy taking into account the identified features of demographic and ecistic processes and forecast number, composition and population resettlement.
In 2017 the department began the research work together with the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (financing at the expense of the Fund for the Development and Modernization of Educational and Scientific Equipment of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University) on the topic "Creation the software for monitoring of territories socio-economic development" (head – DSc. in Geography, professor K. A. Niemets, duration: 01.03.2017-31.12.2017, funding amount is 75 thousand UAH). The main objective of the project is to create special software for information support, control and optimization of the regional public administration process and achieve its final result – optimal socio-economic development and, as a result, steady increase of the population welfare and the level of its social security. As a result of the project, integrated multifunctional software environment will be created to monitor the socio-economic development of territories. Among the main functions implemented: collecting, processing, storing monitoring information, constructing and comparative analysis of the development trajectories of managed human-geographical objects, defining and interpreting a number of system development indicators, visualizing the results obtained, preparing recommendations for making managereial decisions, variance predictive modeling, analysis of efficiency use the resource management, preparation of informational and analytical materials for state and local authorities, public organizations, general public. As a result of the project, the authors will create programmatic implementations of using the method of modeling the trajectory development of human-geographical objects in multidimensional space, and will update the existing developments in technologies of monitoring information processing, in particular, methods for calculating system development indicators, component analysis and construction of forecast models in accordance with the specifics of monitoring. The universality of human-geographical monitoring will be ensured, which will make possible to use it at all levels of the society organization, from the smallest units of the administrative-territorial system (village, city, district, region) to the national level.