
The department of Human Geography and Regional Studies, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University has experience of organization and holding conferences. Since 2003 the department has been holding an International Scientific and Practical Conference “Region: Optimal Development Strategy” annually in October-November, since 2005 – International Scientific and Practical Conference for Students, Post-graduate Students and Young Researchers “Region: human-geographical aspects”.


International Scientific and Practical Conference “Region: Optimal Development Strategy”

The department holds an International Scientific and Practical Conference “Region: Optimal Development Strategy” annually which take part not only leading researchers from Ukraine and abroad, as well as PhD students and applicants from Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions. The conference holds with participation of all departments of the Faculty of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism, it is an important event for development inter-institutional and international cooperation, this is measure for approbation human-geographical studies.

More than 100 applications and abstracts are usually submitted for participation in the conference from different regions of Ukraine, as well as from foreign countries – Thailand, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Romania, Spain, Norway, Estonia, Nigeria, India, Jordan, Georgia, Serbia, Sweden, Moldova, Germany, Greece, Armenia and other countries. Representatives of educational institutions and organizations  from Kyiv, Lviv, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Poltava, Sumy, Dnipro, Nizhyn, Odessa and other cities take part in the conferences.

Issues of socio-economic development, cross-border cooperation, environmental management, regions’ natural resources provision, and education development are discussed during the conference. Participants’ reports are characterized by the high level of relevance and scientific topics.

Conference programmes "Region: optimal development strategy"

Conference proceedings «Region: optimal development strategy»


International Scientific and Practical Conference for Students, Post-graduate Students and Young Researchers “Region: human-geographical aspects”

Generally, participation in scientific, scientific-theoretical and scientific-methodical conferences is a form of students scientific and research work in a higher education institution. Scientific and research work is a part of training students, a type of research activity executed in extracurricular process and this process is voluntary.

Students provide all possible assistance to lecturers in the conferences organization and take direct part in the Student Conference holding (they prepare abstracts, articles or essays with help and under supervision of the lecturers of the department which are the result of research work: during the conference in plenary or sectional sessions they report and discuss the main statements of their and other conference participants’ research).

Before the conference, students of the department provide active assistance in designing facilities for conferences, organize an exhibition of the last editions of the department, they are responsible for participants registration, help to do excursions through the city, etc.

Undoubtedly, holding and participation in scientific conferences is important for students, especially it has scientific, educational, developmental value.

Participation in the organization and holding conferences educate such moral qualities in students as purposefulness, initiative, responsibility, energy, perseverance, independence, commitment, patience, restraint, politeness, possession of an ability to self-esteem, self-criticism, demanding of themselves, ability to cooperation and communication, fair treatment to others and so on. Communicating with people, students become more sociable, open; on the one hand, they learn to listen to others, and on the other hand – to express their thoughts correctly, properly, consistently.

Conference as a form of research work carry out as students’ labor education. Despite the fact that this activity is related to the educational process, it remains relatively independent type of student work.  Thanks to it, such qualities emerge in students as ability to create, implement new achievements in a higher educational institution.

Conference Programme "Region: human-geographical aspects"
Conference proceeding «Region: human-geographical aspects»